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Legendary creatures

Par Héritier LOSEMBE, publié le mercredi 31 mars 2021 14:28 - Mis à jour le mercredi 7 avril 2021 10:56
Legendary creature from a mythology
Students created their own legendary creature, gave it a name, said what it eats, where it lives, and comes from. Themixed different body parts of different animals to describe it etc. They have been so creative or imaginative that you may read them.


  • My creature is Merhorse. It lives under the sea in America. It has got the body of a horse, the wings of a fly and the tail of a fish. (Written by Dalia).
  • My creature's name is Supercat. It is an Italian monster. It looks like a cat with the head of a fox. It lives under my fridge and eats my shoes. (Written by Océane)
  • My creature is Devilbat. it is a giant demon with wings, six horns, massive fangs, and three eyes. It has got no ears. The top of its body is covered with scars. It has three giant claws in each hand and gigantic purple tentacles instead of legs. It looks like a massive bat with wings. (Written by Richard)
  • My creature is Catpig, the Lebanese monster. It looks like a pig and it has got a pig-head and cat ears with a man's eyes and a frog's feet in blue. It has also yellow spots on its face, its eyes are red. it can only eat grass. (Written by Naya)
  • My legendary animal is called Chenard. It is a boy. It has got the head of a horse and the body of a cat, its tail comes from the fox and it has the wings of the unicorn. It eats meat, vegetables, fruit and chocolate bars. (Written by Talia)
  • This is Feria, my legendary creature. She looks like a fairy and a ballet dancer at the same time. She can fly high and when she steps down, she dances on her black pointed shoes. She eats insects and lives in trees. (Written by Céline)
  • My creature's name is Plancat. He lives in the forest and eats plants. He is a cat with a bunny body and a plant on his head. he lives in Australia. (Written by Lilwenn)
  • This is an Electro dragon that has the head of a dinosaur, the body of a lizard, and the wings of a pterodactyl. It lives in the mountain and it eats lightning bolts. (Written by Antoine)


-The end-




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